Otherworldly Ravenous Beast Wiki

Thanks for 1 A is an Otherworldly Ravenous Beast short (ORB Mini) released on Sep 10th, 2021.

Present Characters[]




  • Billy
  • Fuzz
  • Versions of the characters from a few parallel universes.


  • Boxcars (as one of Pip's drawings)
  • Davey Jones' Locker (debut, as part of a flashback)


"Vee helps Eyeball in reaching out to the kids, to try and get them to learn about a local letter."


As the short begins, Eyeball is teaching some of the younger folk about the giant letter A within the region. While Pip and Chomps seem intrigued, A, Gumdrop, and Billy seem to being getting bored. The latter strays away from the lecture, only to be stopped by Fuzz who explains that he can't just let her wander off as a chaperone-in-training. As he points it out, Billy is already gone.

Vee tells Eyeball that he's losing the kids due to their boredom. They attempt to note that Chomps and Pip are paying attention when really they were just drawing. Understanding their plight but since they they don't know how to connect with the kids, she goes ahead to show them how to reach out.

She starts by telling Bones that she fought with 10 people on the A, even suplexing a person known as Davey Jones' Locker on it breaking a part of it off, which amazes her. Eyeball seems to get the strategy, but is concerned about her lying. She continues to convince the kids into liking learning, convincing Pip to throw away a piece of paper from hsi notebook and calling for Billy to eat it, which she happily scoffs down. Vee then convinces her that the A is a coordinate system for a game of Battleships. She then goes to Chomps and convinces them that the A was approximately made in 1945, and then convinces A that anyone who umlaut the A is considered "bonkers" because it is a "better". She asks A to share a story with the group. They do have an anecdote to explain that he shares with the other kids and Fuzz.

Eyeball congrats Vee for catching the attention of the class. Vee mentions how teaching others is more of a responsibility than she could handle in the long run, and considers what she did was more than a only-works-once sort of deal. They ask her if she'd like to continue helping them out, and she obliges. A wraps up their story about how a hunter survived by hiding within the A structure.

The short ends with the ending seen in other parallel words, alongside a thank you message as Steppi's channel has reached one thousand subs.


  • This short marks Bones' first speaking role.
  • Bone is redesigned in this short, having gray outlines. Her outlines were black in her appearance in Otherworbly Ravenous Beast.
  • This is the first episode to ever have humans be mentioned.
  • A drops the title of the short when they were wrapping up their story.